Solve Big Problems & Test New Ideas In 4 days!

We use Design Sprint 2.0 to help small to medium-sized companies and non-profit organizations to rapidly test and validate their websites, digital products, and service designs. At FAMGO, we do this in 4 days instead of several months.

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Is your team struggling with unclear customer needs, slow time-to-market, and lack of innovation?

Design Sprint 2.0 is an intensive, workshop-styled problem-solving process that typically spans 4 days to two weeks. During this process, members with different expertise or departments collaborate to generate new ideas, build prototypes, and test them with real users. Design Sprint helps align business and customer needs, speeds up innovation, goes to market faster, and promotes collaboration among team members with diverse personalities and backgrounds.

Working together in a Design Sprint means you can avoid endless internal debates and condense several months of development time into just 4 days. Instead of spending 3-6 months building a complete product or service, we test the prototype with real users in 4 days to validate the idea.

At FAMGO, our Design Sprint 2.0 is a refined version of the original Google Ventures Design Sprint. Instead of 5 days, we further refine process, so we can do it in 4 days. This means we can come up with new ideas and test them at an accelerated pace.

Trusted by brands in TORONTO, CANADA & around the world


3 Ways We Help Companies Like Yours to Solve Problems

Design Sprint 2.0 at FAMGO is a 4-day hackathon of Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design workshops. By the end of the 4 days, you will have a tested and validated prototype, and a report that will help you build the right solution and go to market faster, while saving significant amount of money and resources.

Multicultural team meeting at a table with a whiteboard for brainstorming. 一個多元文化的團隊圍坐在會議桌旁,使用白板進行腦力激盪。
1. MVP (miniMum viable product)

Build The Right Solution. Tested & Validated.

Having a tested and validated prototype at the end of a Design Sprint, whether for a product or service, is absolutely crucial for a company to build the right solution. A prototype enables every team member, stakeholder, and most importantly, users themselves, to identify potential issues early on and address them before pouring significant money, time, and other resources into building it.

On the 4th day of the Design Sprint, we'll set up user testing to gather feedback from real people interacting with the prototype. We'll have them test the prototype to pinpoint any potential user experience flaws, pain points, and areas for improvement. This iterative process ensures that the proposed solution mitigates the risk of building the wrong solution - one that fails to address the actual needs and preferences of your ideal customers.


Go-To-Market, Faster.

In today's fast-paced market, speed to launch is critical for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. However, rushing without proper validation not only wastes valuable resources but also damages your brand's reputation, and a solution that fails to resonate with your ideal customers.

With our Design Sprint process at FAMGO, we can help you go to market faster with the right solution. In just 4 days, we deeply understand the problem, explore solutions, prototype and test with real users. This iterative approach validates assumptions early, make informed decisions, and pivots quickly when needed. By aligning stakeholders and gathering user insights from the start, we mitigate risks and avoid costly reworks down the line.

Got Game basketball mobile app finder screenshots of different pages 籃球手機應用程式的各種頁面截圖。
蘭牙齒科手機網頁設計 Orchid Tooth Dental web design on mobile devices.

Saves Money & Time. 4 days vs. Months

At FAMGO, our Design Sprint 2.0 process lets you test out ideas quickly and cost-effectively prior to committing a lot of money and resources.

In just 4 days, we work together to understand the problem, explore different solutions, build a prototype, and conduct usability testing with real people. The Design Sprint helps us catch any issues early so we don't have to redo work later, which saves money and money. We also get feedback from users to refine the prototype before building the real product.

The Design Sprint process gets everyone on the same page to make decisions faster. In the end, you can launch a great product tailored to your customers while saving valuable time, money, and resources.

Design sprint CAPABILITIES

Investing in full-scale development or campaign without proper validation will only lead to wasted time, resources, and money.

Design Sprints 2.0 offers a solution by emphasizing rapid prototyping and user testing to validate ideas early in the process. This method allows teams to identify and solve potential issues before committing to extensive development. By focusing on iterative design and feedback, Design Sprint 2.0 ensures that the final product meets user needs and market demands. This approach not only reduces the risk of failure but also optimizes resource allocation, enabling faster time-to-market and more efficient use of budget and resources.

Sprint Exercises

  • Lightning Talks
  • Expert Interviews
  • HMW Questions
  • Long-term Goal Setting
  • Mapping
  • Crazy Eights
  • Solution Sketching
  • Storyboard Creation
  • Prototype Development
  • User Testing

Markets Served

  • Toronto, ON
  • Markham, ON
  • Thornhill, ON
  • Richmond Hill, ON
  • Vaughan, ON
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Calgary, AB
  • Taiwan
  • China
  • Worldwide

Industries Helped

  • Websites for Nonprofit Organizations
  • Websites for B2B Companies
  • Websites for Medical Companies
  • Websites for Education
  • Websites for SaaS

Other Services

  • Website design
  • Brand Identity
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Web App Design
  • Mobile App Design

How does a digital agency like FAMGO run Design Sprint 2.0?

Our Design Sprint 2.0 is based on Human-Centered Design and Design Thinking, following 4 days of collaborative and structured design thinking exercises. At FAMGO, we start by mapping out challenges, sketching ideas, and selecting the best solutions. Afterward, we create prototypes and test them with real users. It compresses potentially months of work into a few days.

Design Sprint team collaborating at a table with stickies on the whiteboard. 在白板上黏貼便條紙的設計衝刺團隊合作。

Define the Challenge & Generate (a mass of) Solutions.

On the first day of our Design Sprint 2.0 at FAMGO, we focus on thoroughly understanding and defining the problem you're facing. In the morning, we start with an introduction to the Design Sprint process and conduct expert interviews to gain deeper insights. Each participant generates "How Might We" (HMW) questions from these insights, rewording challenges into opportunities. Then the team collaboratively sets a long-term goal and maps the customer journey to identify key pain points and focus areas for improvement.

In the afternoon, each participant presents lightning demos of similar solutions for inspiration. Using these demos, participants rapidly sketch individual concept solutions via 4-part exercises, transforming abstract ideas into tangible forms.

Day 1 lays the foundation for selecting and storyboarding a specific solution on Day 2.


Vote on Solutions & Create the Storyboard.

Day 2 morning begins with a stroll around the gallery of concept solutions from each participant from Day 1. Our goal in the morning is to decide as a team "what" to prototype. We use the Heat Map exercise, where participants place votes on inspiring parts of sketches, forming visual clusters for every participant to see. The sprint facilitator from FAMGO then presents each sketch, followed by a straw poll where everyone votes on their preferred solution. The Decider then selects one or two concepts to prototype.

In the afternoon, we use an exercise called User Test Flow, a Note & Vote process. Each participant designs a basic storyboard, and everyone votes on which to prototype. This step speeds up the storyboarding process and avoids "design by committee."

By the end of Day 2, crucial decisions are made, providing a clear direction for building the prototype on Day 3.

Design Sprint team consists of diverse individuals sketching solutions and storyboarding on a whiteboard. 設計衝刺團隊在白板上草擬解決方案和故事板。
Canadian Dental Association website 加拿大牙科保護協會網站

Rapidly Build the High-fidelity Prototype.

The entire Day 3 is dedicated to building the prototype of the chosen storyboard from Day 2. The prototype should look and feel realistic to simulate a finished product for the customers. 

From Day 3 onwards, only the prototypers, user test interviewers, and FAMGO team need to be present at the Design Sprint. This is the day where they put their heads down and focus on their assigned tasks. There are usually two check-ins with the facilitator and Decider, a few impromptu huddles to ensure everyone is on track, and we just power through. By concentrating on the customer-facing aspects of the product or service, we can complete the prototype in just one day.

All building stops at 5 PM. By the end of Day 3, we ensure everything is ready for Day 4’s user test: schedule confirmation, prototype review, and an interview script.

day 4: USER testing

User-test the Prototype.

On the 4th and final day of the Design Sprint, we conduct user testing to gather feedback on the prototype.

At FAMGO, we schedule five one-on-one interviews with real users, observing their interactions and noting their responses. This testing helps us discover any aspects that users find confusing. Throughout the day, the team reviews the feedback and discusses key insights. By the end of the day, we have a clear understanding of how well the prototype meets the business and user needs and what changes are necessary.

Regardless of the results of your user test, decide with your team how to follow up. You may have acquired enough data to move forward with full-scale development, or you may want to do a follow-up Iteration Sprint to gather more data.

User testing session for a mobile phone prototype while the interviewer tracks the user behaviours on her laptop. 
Multicultural team brainstorming with sticky notes during design thinking workshop. 多元文化團隊在設計思維工作坊中使用便利貼進行頭腦風暴。

Iterate & Re-test the Prototype.

An Iteration Sprint is an optional follow-up to the initial Design Sprint, focused on refining and improving the prototype based on user feedback. It is typically recommended when the team feels that they require more data before committing to full-scale product or service development.

During the Iteration Sprint, the original sprint team revisits the problem, incorporates insights from user tests, and makes necessary adjustments to the design. Unlike the initial sprint, it lasts 3 days instead of 4. The process involves re-evaluating ideas, sketching new solutions, and developing an updated prototype.

On the third and final day, the updated prototype is tested with real users again to gather feedback. Typically, one Iteration Sprint is sufficient to capture all the necessary data before moving forward.


Summary & Results Report.

At the end of the Design Sprint, our FAMGO team will deliver a summary & results report for you and the stakeholders in your company.

Our report serves similar purpose as an executive report. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Design Sprint process and its outcomes. It includes a summary of the problem tackled, key insights from expert interviews, and the long-term goal set by the team. The report details the chosen solutions, highlights from the Heat Map and straw poll votes, and the final concepts selected for prototyping. It also covers the user testing results, showcasing user feedback and identified areas for improvement.

The report concludes with recommendations for next steps, whether moving forward with full-scale development or conducting an Iteration Sprint for further refinement. All in all, a Design Sprint effectively condenses months of work into 4 days.

People of different backgrounds sitting around a table in an office, working on a laptop with papers and reports spread out. 辦公室裡,不同背景的人們圍坐在桌子周圍,使用筆記型電腦,桌上有散落的文件和報告。

Frequently asked questions

Most Common Design Sprint Questions We're Asked

At FAMGO Design, clear communication is our top priority to keep our clients fully informed. If you're not quite ready to reach out but have questions about Design Sprint 2.0, feel free to explore our FAQs for answers.

What much does Design Sprint cost?

Our Design Sprint 2.0 services range from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on the scope of your business challenge, resources, location, and whether your problem requires a 4-day sprint or 7 days (4-day Design Sprint + 3 Iteration Sprint days):

4-Day Design Sprint: $5,000 to $10,000

We recommend a 4-day Design Sprint if your product or service already exists and the results from the 4 days are immediately implementable in development or production.

4-Days Design Sprint + 3-Days Iteration Sprint: $10,000 to $20,000

If you're creating a brand new product that doesn't exist yet, we recommend adding 3 days of Iteration Sprint. In this Iteration Sprint, we will polish the solution and further validate if the idea is worth pursuing or ready for development.

We're flexible to accommodate different budgets. Following our Design Sprint consultation call, we will create a customized proposal outlining the timeline, estimated cost, and plan. Our goal is to deliver highly customized solutions that meet your unique needs.

What goes into the Design Sprint proposal by FAMGO?

Our Design Sprint proposal is a detailed document that outlines the plan for a time-constrained, 4-day process that uses design thinking to reduce the risk when bringing a new product, service, or feature to market. Here’s what is typically included in our Design Sprint proposal at FAMGO:

  • Introduction: Project overview and objectives.
  • Background & Context: Brief background of how our past experiences can help your business.
  • Sprint Team: Key team members involved in the Design Sprint and brief bios.
  • Sprint Schedule & Agenda: Overview of the Sprint phases from Day 1 to Day 4.
  • Logistics & Resources: Location, tools, etc.
  • Budget: Detailed cost breakdown, materials, and any additional expenses.
  • Risk Management: Potential risks or challenges that may arise during the Sprint.
  • Evaluation & Metrics: How success will be measured: KPI, metrics, etc.
  • Timeline: Timeline for the entire project: pre-Sprint, Sprint, and post-Sprint.
What types of companies do you work with?

We partner with companies dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. Our clients range from innovative startups to established enterprises and nonprofit organizations.

Our expertise spans across various industries, including:

  • Nonprofit
  • Education
  • FinTech
  • Healthcare
  • Professional Services
  • Retail + Consumer Goods
  • SaaS
  • Cross-Cultural
How long does it take to run Design Sprint 2.0?

A Design Sprint 2.0 takes four days. On Day 1, we understand the problem, define a clear goal, and brainstorm and sketch potential solutions. On Day 2, we decide on the best idea and create a detailed storyboard. On Day 3, we build a prototype. Finally, on Day 4, we test the prototype with real users to gather feedback. Depending on the stage of your product or service, an additional 3 days for an Iteration Sprint may be needed.

What results should I expect from Design 2.0?

From a Design Sprint 2.0, you can expect several key results:

  • Tangible Solutions: You'll get tangible solutions to your specific problem fast because we focus on generating lots of ideas, prototyping them, and testing them with real users.
  • Validation with Users: We test our prototypes with real users to make sure they actually meet their needs.
  • Saving Time and Money: Design Sprints minimize the risk of investing time and resources into developing ideas that may not resonate with users, saving you time and money.
  • Getting Everyone on the Same Page: Running a Design Sprint ensures everyone involved in the project understands the goals and ideas, so everyone is on the same page.
  • Thinking Outside the Box: Design Sprints encourage creative problem-solving and innovation, often leading to fresh and unexpected ideas.

Overall, Design Sprints helps projects move forward faster, mitigate risks, and produce actionable results that drive your project forward.

Do you offer support to implement the results from Design Sprint 2.0?

Absolutely! We offer comprehensive support to implement the results from Design Sprint 2.0. Our FAMGO team can provide guidance and assistance throughout the implementation process to ensure that the solutions developed during the sprint are effectively integrated into your project or business. Whether you need help with revamping your website, refining user experience, refreshing branding elements, or any other aspect of implementation, we're here to support you every step of the way

What is Design Sprint 2.0?

Design Sprint 2.0 is an updated version of the original framework developed by Google Ventures. Instead of 5 days, Design Sprint 2.0 refines the process to 4 days. It retains the core elements of problem understanding, ideation, prototyping, and user testing but streamlines the timeline for faster results. That means teams can validate answers and solutions quicker, helping them progress faster with their projects without compromising on quality or effectiveness.

Why might a company consider a Design Sprint?

A company might consider a Design Sprint for several reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Design Sprints offer a structured and time-boxed approach to problem-solving. It helps teams to generate solutions quickly and efficiently.
  2. Innovation: By bringing together cross-functional teams in a collaborative environment, they can think of new and different ideas that they might not have thought of on their own.
  3. User-Centricity: Design Sprints prioritize user needs and feedback. The insights helps make sure that whatever the company is making is something that customers will actually want and find easy to use.
  4. Risk Mitigation: By testing ideas or prototypes with real users early on, companies can catch any problems or flaws and fix them before investing significant time and money on something that might not work.
  5. Alignment: Design Sprints promote alignment among team members and stakeholders by providing a clear framework for decision-making and problem-solving.
  6. Speed to Market: By testing ideas quickly, companies can get their products out to customers faster, which can help them stay ahead of the competition.

Overall, Design Sprints offer a structured and effective way for companies to work together, come up with ideas, and make sure they're making things that customers will love, all while saving time and money.

Could you outline the key phases of a Design Sprint?
  1. Understand: The team figures out what the problem or challenge is, identifies who they're designing for, and defines the goals of the Design Sprint.
  2. Diverge: Every team member shares ideas about how to solve the problem. This phase involves brainstorming sessions, sketching, and exploring different perspectives.
  3. Decide: The team evaluates and votes on the most promising ideas to pursue further. Criteria such as feasibility and alignment with the project goals are considered.
  4. Prototype: The team creates a tangible representation of the selected idea or ideas. This could be in the form of a digital or physical prototype, depending on the nature of the project.
  5. Test: The prototype is tested with real users to gather feedback and insights. This phase helps validate assumptions, identify potential improvements, and ensure that the final solution meets user needs effectively.

These Design Sprint phases are carried out over a series of structured activities within 4 days. The process is guided by a facilitator who helps keep the team focused and ensures that each phase is completed effectively.

Still have questions?

Can't find the answers in the FAQs? Contact us!

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